Adapter and Indexing Primer solutions for Ligation and Tagmentation based Library Preparation for Illumina® NGS
Pre-configured and Ready-to-Use
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Over the last decade Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies have evolved at a rapid pace, and concurrently so has the demand for high purity, high quality, low cross-contamination NGS oligonucleotides for library preparation. At Biolegio we dedicated ourselves to develop an NGS oligo production pipeline to meet and exceed this requirement.
Through an extensive and comprehensive review of our entire NGS Oligo synthesis production pipeline, we have investigated, tested and adjusted every single element of production- all with the ultimate goal of manufacturing and delivering the highest quality, lowest cross contamination NGS adapters and indexing primers possible.
With Pre-configured, Ready-to-Use Adapter and Indexing Primer sets for Illumina NGS & Custom NGS Oligo Synthesis
We have solutions to meet your requirements
Figure 1. - Our Cross contamination QC- 96 Unique Dual Indexes are attached to samples containing unique Index Spike-In sequences in each well. The subsequent unique combination of sequencing barcodes and spike-in sequence are defined in known "co-ordinates" in the final library. Following Sequencing during data analysis a 96 x 96 array is generated to confirm the presence of the barcode and spike-in the expected position, with a QC clearance criteria that the sequencing barcodes are detected in <0.1% of reads in any other position.
Available as an optional QC check on Custom NGS Oligos and as a standard QC on every production batch of Biolegio Ready-to-Use, pre-configured Adapter and Indexing Primer sets our dedicated NGS based quality control check was developed In-House and based upon the Sample Assurance Spike-In Sequencing (SASI-Seq) assay method.
This check confirms cross-contamination levels of co-synthesised Index sequences within a given the set are well below industry standard for equivalent NGS Oligos.
We typical observe cross contamination values in the region of 0.05% and observe levels as low as 0.01% across full sets of 16 & 96 Adapters and Index primers with a minimal QC clearance and release value <0.1% for every production batch.
Additional functional QC demonstrate high ligation efficiency, consistent library yields and clustering efficiency and that our adapters and index primers meet the needs of your multiplexed sequencing applications.
Adapter and Indexing Primer solutions for Ligation and Tagmentation based Library Preparation for Illumina® NGS
Pre-configured and Ready-to-Use
Up to 384 Unique Dual Indexes (10nts), Color balanced, ≥3 Edit Distance Cross, Cross Contamination <0.1%
Adapters and Indexing Primers for TA-Ligation based & Tagmentation/Transposase based Library Preparation
Available as 16, 96 and 384 Index Sets (contact us for bulk yield requirements), ready to use at working concentration.
Need solutions for Alternate sequencing platforms?
If our pre-configured Adapter & Indexing Primer products are not the exact fit for your workflow?
Alternative Index Lengths
Custom Index Sequences
Methylated Bases or Alternative Modifications
Purified Oligos
Single Indexes (SI)
Combinatorial Indexing (CDI)
Unique Dual Indexing (UDI) with or without Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMI)
Higher yield or bulk requirements for High Throughput Sequencing or Commercial production requirements