Biolegio Universal Short Adapters & UDI Indexing Primers- For Illumina® NGS

Universal Short Adapters


The Biolegio Universal Short Adapter is a truncated adapter for Illumina® NGS. The adapters are TA-ligated to library fragments following an A-tailing step and are used with the Biolegio UDI Primers to incorporate Unique (10 nucleotide) Indexes via a subsequent PCR step.


  •   Produced under optimized NGS Production and Handling Workflows
    • Minimising Cross Contamination & Index Hopping risk
    • Highest quality Oligos -optimized for NGS
    • High ligation efficiency, low adapter-dimer formation
  • NGS Quality Control check performed on every production batch
    • Ensuring Cross Contamination levels <0.1%
  • Compatible with 2 & 4 Colour Illumina® Sequencing Platforms
  • Indexes are designed with an edit distance ≥3 (Hamming distance)
  • Cross referenced for no duplicate indexes across different Biolegio Index sets and no conflict against index sets from other main suppliers and library preparation kit manufacturers
  • All manufactured under a ISO9001:2015 & ISO13485:2016 Accredited Quality Management System


Available in Sets of 16, 96 and 384


Ordering Information




Biolegio Universal Short Adapter & UDI Indexing Primer Sets


Universal Short Adapter and unique dual indexing primers provided together- For Illumina® sequencing TA-ligation based library preparation (TruSeq™ Compatible). Available as ready-to-use, single-use plates of 16 or 96 UDI primer pairs (10nt Indexes) and an accompanying tube of Universal Short Adapters with a corresponding number of reactions.


Catalogue Number                        Description       


647001                                                Biolegio Universal Short Adapter & UDI Primers, 16rxns

647002                                                Biolegio Universal Short Adapter & UDI Primers, 96 rxns



Biolegio Universal Short Adapter


Universal Short Adapter only- For Illumina® sequencing TA-ligation based library preparation. Sample Indexing/Barcoding performed via PCR using Biolegio Indexing Primers (sold separately).


Catalogue Number                        Description       


647003                                                Biolegio Universal Short Adapter, 16rxns

647004                                                Biolegio Universal Short Adapter, 96 rxns



Biolegio UDI Indexing Primers for Ligation Based Library Prep 


Premixed Primer Pairs, for use with Universal Short Adapters (sold separately) for Illumina® sequencing TA-ligation based library preparation. Available as ready-to-use, single-use plates of 16, 96 or 384 primer pairs. 10 nt UDI indexes. Bulk volumes also available for high throughput requirements, contact for further information.


Catalogue Number                        Description   


647005                                                Biolegio UDI Primers, 16 rxns

647006                                                Biolegio UDI Primers, 96 rxns- Plate 1

647007                                                Biolegio UDI Primers, 96 rxns- Plate 2

647008                                                Biolegio UDI Primers, 96 rxns- Plate 3

647009                                                Biolegio UDI Primers, 96 rxns- Plate 4

647010                                                Biolegio UDI Primers, 384 rxns- Plates 1-4