Biolegio Full Length UDI-UMI Adapters- For Illumina® NGS

Full Length Ligation UDI Adapters with UMIs


Full length Indexed Adapters for direct TA-ligation based library preparation for Illumina® sequencing . Incorporating a 10nt Unique Dual Index (UDI), Biolegio Full length Adapters also incorporates a 9nt Unique Molecular Identifier (UMI) to uniquely label every molecule within the library and allow for identification and filtering out of duplicate reads and amplification errors during final data analysis.


  •   Produced under optimized NGS Production and Handling Workflows
    • Minimising Cross Contamination & Index Hopping risk
    • Highest quality Oligos -optimized for NGS
    • High ligation efficiency, low adapter-dimer formation
  • NGS Quality Control check performed on every production batch
    • Ensuring Cross Contamination levels <0.1%
  • Compatible with 2 & 4 Colour Illumina® Sequencing Platforms
  • Indexes are designed with an edit distance ≥3 (Hamming distance)
  • Cross referenced for no duplicate indexes across different Biolegio Index sets and no conflict against index sets from other main suppliers and library preparation kit manufacturers
  • All manufactured under a ISO9001:2015 & ISO13485:2016 Accredited Quality Management System


Available in Sets of 16, 96 and 384


Ordering Information


Full length UDI-UMI adapters for direct Illumina® TA-ligation based library preparation. Available as ready-to-use, single-use plates of 16, 96 or 384 adapters incorporating a 10 nt Unique Dual Index (UDI) & a 9nt Unique Molecular Identifier (UMI). Bulk volumes also available for high throughput requirements, contact for further information.




Part No.                             Description

647014                              Full Length UMI-UDI Adapters, 16 rxns

647015                              Full Length UMI-UDI Adapters, 96 rxns, Plate 1

647016                              Full Length UMI-UDI Adapters, 96 rxns, Plate 2

647017                              Full Length UMI-UDI Adapters, 96 rxns, Plate 3

647018                              Full Length UMI-UDI Adapters, 96 rxns, Plate 4

647019                              Full Length UMI-UDI Adapters, 384 rxns, Plates 1-4